Ferdinand Magellan
From various documents existing in the Seville
archives we gather extraordinarily precise details, not only as regards
the articles supplied to the Armada, but also as to their price and their
exact distribution among the different ships. This information is of much
interest, showing as it does what stores were at that period considered
necessary. It also throws light upon various events connected with the
preparation of the fleet of which we should otherwise have remained in
Fittings, &c. in Maravedis
Conception, will rigging and boat . . . 228,750 Maravedis
Victoria, will rigging and
boat . . . . 300,000 Maravedis
S. Antonio, will rigging and
boat . . . . 330,000 Maravedis
Trinidad, will rigging and
boat . . . . 270,000 Maravedis
Santiago, will rigging and boat
. . . 187,000 Maravedis
ships from Cadiz to Seville, and
expenses of Juan de Aranda in going to Cadiz . . 24,188 Maravedis
careening ships, &c. . . . . 13,482 Maravedis
for repairing ships .... 104,244 Maravedis
for caulking ships .... 129,539 Maravedis
for sawing planks. &c, for ships . . 6,790 Maravedis
for beams and planking, &c. . . . 175,098 Maravedis
used in repair of ships, together
with the supply for the voyage - 142,532 Maravedis
Oakum used in repair of ships, together with
the supply for the voyage - 31,670
tar, and resin in repair of
ships, together with the supply for the voyage - 72,267
Grease in repair of ships, together with
the supply for the voyage - 53,852
pieces of canvas for sails, &c 149,076 Maravedis
for sewing the above, with needles and awls, and money paid for making . . . 32,825 Maravedis
yards, and spare spars - 37,437 Maravedis
purchased for the Trinidad - 3,937 Maravedis
bolts, and nails - 15,475 Maravedis
and sweeps - 6,563 Maravedis
bags, hose, and leathers for the pumps . 9,364. Maravedis
and blocks . . . . . . 1,285
timbers for knees ....... 3,687
large blocks - 4,204
and other rigging, and rigging - 34,672
large pitch ladles - 511
lighters of ballast for the ships - 1,962
yards of coarse canvas for making sacks for the ballasting - 807
of workmen and sailors during the preparations for the voyage - 438,335
anchors - 42,042
saws, large and small - 1,008
and braces, large and small - 1,762
pickaxes to dig the ditch to careen the ships - 663
hides to make pitch-brushes to pay the ships - 2,495
used in pitching the ships - 4,277
for bringing ships from S. Lucar to Seville - 1,054
quintals of cables and hawsers and 1000 arrobas of hemp to make the rigging aid cordage, which, together
with cost of manufacture (38,972 ms.) and money paid for sedge and
esparto grass rope (14,066 ms.), make . 324,170 Maravedis
80 flags, and the painting of them, with a
royal standard made of taffety - 25,029 Maravedis
of the " bergantym" - 49,504
of Duarte Barbosa a Bilbao when
he went to buy the articles for the ships, together with those of Anton
Semeno - 84,144 Maravedis
Munitions, Arms, &c. 58 culverins,
7 falconets, 3 large bombards, and 3 "pasamuros," all from
Bilbao . . . 160,135 50 quintals of gunpowder from Fuenterrabia and freight - 109,028
165 lbs. of powder for proving the artillery in
Bilbao - 5,477
Shot and cannon-balls of iron and
stone - 6,633
6 molds for making
cannon-balls - 3,850
221 arrobas 7 lbs. of lead for bullets,
save 84 arrobas used as plates for leading the seams of the ships
- 39,890
Paid for mounting the artillery - 3,276
Wages of the lombarderos - 8,790
100 corselets with armlets,
shoulder-plates, and helmets, and 100 breastplates with
throat-pieces and helmets from Bilbao - 110,910 Maravedis
60 crossbows with 360 dozen arrows from
Bilbao - 33,495
50 arque buses from Biscay - 10,500
Coat of mail and two complete suits of armour
for the Captain-General from Bilbao - 6,375 Maravedis
200 shields from Bilbao - 6,800
6 sword-blades for the Captain from
Bilbao - 680
95 dozen of darts, 10 dozen javelins, 1000
lances, 200 pikes, 6 boarding-pikes, &c, from Bilbao 44,185 Maravedis
120 skeins of wire for the cross-bows, &c
- 2,499
Cleaning the arms, 6 lbs. of emery, leathers,
tacks, buckles, &c - 3,553
50 flasks and prickers for the arque buses, and
150 yards of fuses - 5,611
Stores, Biscuit, 363,480 maravedis
2138 quintals 3 lbs., at 170 maravedis per
quintal, hire of sacks, portage, &c.; total - 372,510 Maravedis.
Wine, 508 butts from Jerez, 511,317 ms. and
costs thereon; total - 590,000 Maravedis
50 cwts. beans ; 90 cwts. chick-peas; 2 cwts.
lentils - 23,037
47 quintals 3 arrobas of
olive-oil - 58,425
200 barrels anchovies, 238 dozen large dried
fish - 62,879
57 quintals 12 lbs. dried pork .... 43,908 7 cows
for the
voyage (14,000 ms.), 3 pigs (1180ms.), and meat for
workmen; total - 17,740
984 cheeses, weighing 112
arrobas - 26,434
417 pipes, 253 butts, 45 barrels for the
wine and water (230,170 ms.), staves, oil-vessels, barrels for the
cheeses, jars for vinegar, &c.; total - 393,623 Maravedis
21 arrobas 9 lbs. of sugar, at 720 ms. per
arroba - 15,451
200 arrobas vinegar - 3,655
250 strings of garlic and 100 ditto
onions - 2,198
18 quintals of raisins, &c - 5,997
16 quarter casks of figs - 1,130
12 cwts. of almonds in their shells - 2,922
54 arrobas 2 lbs. of honey - 8,980
2 quintals of currants - 750
3 jars of capers - 1,554
Salt - 1,768
3 quintals 22 lbs. of rice - 1,575
1 cwt. of mustard - 380
Preserved quince - 5,779
Medicines, unguents, salves, and distilled
waters - 13,027
5 pipes of flour - 5,927
Hardware and Store-Room Articles - Copper
kitchen utensils : 6 large cauldrons, weighing 280 lbs. (6165 ms.), 5
large pots, weighing 132 lbs. (3700 ms.), 2 baking ovens, weighing 171
lbs. (7695 ms.), 1 pot weighing 27 lbs. (1215 ms.), and large vessel for
pitch, weighing 55 lbs. (2200 ms.) &c. ; total - 21,515
10 large knives - 884
42 wooden pint measures for the rations, 516 8
arrobas of candles, and grease for 42 arrobasmore, &c. - 3,440 Maravedis
89 lanterns - 1,430
9 lbs. ornamented wax candles for the consecration of
the ships 495
40 cartloads of wood - 8,860
40 yards of coarse canvas for
table-cloths - 1,280
14 large wooden trenchers - 476
Chain for large cauldron - 158
12 bellows - 256
22lbs. beeswax for waxing thread and for the crossbows - 1,530
12 large knives (calabozos) for the steward's
room - 768
5 large iron ladles - 204
100 mess-bowls, 200 porringers, 100 choppers, 66
wooden platters, 12 mortars, 62 trenchers, all from Bilbao - 5,834
20 lights for the lamps - 240
12 funnels - 330
5 hammers - 125
18 extra trenchers - 995
Brass pestle and mortar for the
dispensary - 653
35 padlocks, given to the stewards - 3,622
lions, handcuffs, and chains, &c - 3,091
20 lbs. of steel for the pikes, &c - 240
An arroba of stamped iron weights – 297
50 spades and pickaxes - 2,400
20 bars of iron - 1,600
56 iron pikes and hammers and 2 large iron
mallets - 2,531
2 great ship's lanterns - l,000
8 pair of pincers - 360
Boathooks, awls, &c - 1,224
50 quintals 20 lbs. of iron in small
bars - 24,938
Mats and baskets for the entire
fleet - 10,639 Fishing gear: 2 seines (chinchorros), (costing
8500 ms.), 6 chain hooks (125 ms.), floats for the seines (425 ms.), fishing-lines
and cords (8663 ms.), harpoons and fish-spears from Biscay (8715 ms.),
10,500 fish-hooks (3826 ms.); total - 30,254
Forge, bellows, anvil, and fittings from Biscay
-9,147 Maravedis
15 blank account-books, 5 wherein to
keep the accounts of the fleet, and 10 for the officials to keep
current accounts - 1,211
Stevedores' wages for lading the
ships - 2,635
2 grindstones, and a hone for the two
barbers - 2,125
5 drums and 20 tambourines, given
to the people of the fleet to serve for their pastime - 2,895
The furniture {el ornamento) and
all the necessary appliances for the chaplain to say Mass - 16,513
3,00 nis. paid the pilots. for
bringing the ships from Seville to S. Lucar, and 1985 from S. Lucar
over the bar to the sea - 5,685
Paid Rodrigo de Garay for his
work - 11,250
Paid Juan de la Cueva for his
work - 7,500
Carriage of quicksilver, vermilion, and
other articles - 12,014
Paid courier who came from Portugal and
returned to the Court - 5,625
Paid for posts and couriers to and from
the Court - 45,000
Paid to the Caravel, and for rations for
the messenger sent with letters to the Canary Islands - 6,750
Paid to Luis de Mendoza to purchase
various necessaries in the Canary Islands - 15,000
Charts and Nautical Instruments. Paid
Nufio Garcia to buy parchments for the charts - 1,125
1 dozen skins of parchment given to the
above - 900
Another dozen kins of
parchment given to the above - 864
7 charts constructed by the orders of
Ruy Falero -13,125
2 charts made by NuBo Garcia by the
orders of Fernando Magallanes - 11,250
6 charts caused to be made by Ruy
Falero, and one sent to the King - 13,500
6 wooden quadrants made by Ruy Falero
1 wooden astrolabe made by the said Ruy
Falero -750
1 planisphere ordered to be made by
the Captain Magallanes for the King- 4,500
Paid to the said Magallanes for 6
metal astrolabes with rulers - 4,500
Paid to the same for 15 compass
needles, Paid to same for 15 wooden quadrants, bronze-fitted Gilt
compass in a box, sent to the King with chart mentioned above, Leather case for the planisphere ....
, 2 hour-glasses bought by the Captain, 2 compass needles that the
Captain has 6 pairs of compasses, Paid to Nuno Garcia for 2 compass
needles, Paid for the correction of an injured compass needle, 4
large boxes for four compasses, which Ruy Falero had made, 16 compass
needles and six hour-glasses, sent by Bernaldino del Castillo from
Cadiz, Articles of Trade and Barter, 20 quintals of
quicksilver, 30 do. vermilion, 100 do. alum., 30 pieces valuable
coloured cloth at 4000 ms. per piece, 20 lbs. of saffron, 3 pieces
"veintenes,"1 silver, red, and yellow, 1 piece Valencia stuff.
10 quintals of ivory, 2 pieces of coloured velvets. 200 common red
caps, 200 coloured kerchiefs, 10,000 fish-hooks, 1000
maravedis-worth of combs, 200 quintals of lump copper, 2000 brass
bracelets, 2000 copper do, 10,000 bundles of yellow matamundo, 200
small brass basins of two sorts, 2 dozen large basins, 20,000 small
bells of three kinds., 1 Pieces of cloth containing 2000 threads to the
warp, 400 dozens of German knives of the commonest kind, 40 pieces of
coloured buckram., 50 dozen scissors, 900 small looking-glasses, and
100 larger size, 100 quintals of lead, 500 lbs. of crystals, which
are diamonds of all colours, Total -- 1,679,769 Maravedis
We learn from the same document that
four months' pay was given in advance, and that the number of persons
receiving it was 237. Either some of those who accompanied the expedition
did not receive pay—as, for example, the sobre salientes, many of whom
were doubtless young men of good family—or some forty or more persons must have joined the fleet
on the eve of its departure, which we have reason to believe was the case.
Another document informs us how the
various stores and provisions were distributed among the five vessels of
the squadron. A proportionate division of the latter was made according
to the ship's burthen. The flagship took two cows, the other vessels one
each. One surgeon alone being carried, all the medicines went with him on
the Trinidad. The two ornamentos with robes and all necessaries for Mass
were carried on the flagship and the S. Antonio.
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